Millwall Card Reward Programme
last updated: March 06, 2025
Guavapay Limited (“Guavapay”) is a Small Electronic Money Institution registered with the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, under FCA Reference Number (FRN) 900888, registered in England with company number 10601900 and with registered address at Salisbury House, 29 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 5QQ, United Kingdom. Guavapay's ICO registration number is ZA274504.
Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
When your application for a Millwall Card is accepted and you receive your physical or virtual card, you will be enrolled in the Millwall Card Reward Programme operated by Guavapay. This Reward Programme will enable you to earn Benefits and redeem Prizes in accordance with these rules (the “Terms and Conditions”). All terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined in Clause 13 (Definitions).
The Millwall Reward Programme will be valid during the football season ending on the 3rd of May 2025 (the “Term”). However, the Prizes section may close before the end of the Term in accordance with the availability of the Prizes.
These Terms and Conditions only govern insofar as the Millwall Reward Programme is concerned. For the general rules that apply with respect to your MyGuava Account and Card, please see the Account Terms (as well as other policies and legal documents) available at
2. Benefits
With your Millwall Card, you will be eligible to receive the following Benefits:
a) General Option Card
- Up to 0.3% on local Eligible Transactions for UK residents operating within the UK.
- Up to 0.6% on Eligible Transactions outside the UK.
- Up to 5% on Eligible Transactions sport-related, MCC 5941 - sporting goods stores, 5655 - sport apparel stores
The General Option Card is available to UK residents only. The total value of cashbacks shall be limited to a maximum of £100 (one hundred) per calendar month.
b) Limited Edition Card
For UK residents only, subject to availability, only 900 limited edition Millwall Card Designs will be issued on a first-come, first serve basis.
- Up to 0.6% on Eligible Transactions worldwide.
- Up to 7% on Eligible Transactions sport-related, MCC 5941 - sporting goods stores, 5655 - sport apparel stores
The total value of cashbacks provided by the Supplier shall be limited to a maximum of £150 (one hundred and fifty) per calendar month.
3. Prizes
When you use your Millwall Card to make Eligible Transactions you will be eligible to win the following Prizes:
1. You can win a Millwall football ball (size 1 ball) when you use your Millwall Card to spend no less than £250 and make a minimum of 5 Eligible Transactions within one (1) calendar month. The Millwall football balls are subject to 100 units.
2. You can win a Millwall Scarf when you use your Millwall Card to no less than £500 and make a minimum of 15 Eligible Transactions within two (2) calendar months. The Millwall scarfs are subject to 50 units.
3. You can win a Millwall Bottle when you use your Millwall Card to spend no less than £1000 and make a minimum of 20 Eligible Transactions within three (3) calendar months. The Millwall Bottles are subject to 50 units.
The above-mentioned Prizes are subject to availability. They will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis. The Prize reward will close when all available Prizes have been allocated.
You are eligible to win only one of each Prize mentioned above.
4. Terms and Conditions
Guavapay reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions, including changes to the basis on which Prizes are awarded and the number of Prizes.
Prizes will be redeemed by Guavapay in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Prizes are calculated on Eligible Transactions once the transaction has been cleared on your Account. This is usually a few days after you make the transaction.
Your application for a Millwall Card must be accepted in accordance with the Account Terms (available on this link: and you must be in possession of a physical or virtual card to be enrolled in the Millwall Card Reward Programme.
Additionally, you need to comply with the following:
· Have an Account;
· Live in the United Kingdom;
· Be at least 18 years old;
· Be a MyGuava customer and have a Millwall Card; and
· Comply with these Terms and Conditions.
You can’t enter if:
· You have been involved with the organising, running or promotion of the Reward Programme; or
· You are entering for someone else.
5. Redeeming Prizes
You do not have to take any action to redeem Prizes. Guavapay will redeem Prizes on a first-come-first-served basis in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Rewards are considered redeemed and delivered once dispatched by Guavapay to the customer’s registered address on the MyGuava App. Guavapay is not responsible if the customer does not personally receive the reward for any reason, including but not limited to cases of incorrect address details, non-availability at the time of delivery, or third-party interference.
The risk of loss or non-receipt of Prizes transfers to the customer upon dispatch.
6. Prizes not earned or redeemed
Guavapay has sole discretion not to redeem the Prizes if:
· you are in breach of the terms of these Terms and Conditions;
· your Millwall Card has been cancelled or suspended; or
· you are suspected of fraud.
You will not be eligible to earn Prizes, and no Prizes will be redeemed while any of these circumstances continue.
7. Information about the Programme
If you require any information or assistance in connection with the Rewards Programme, please contact Guavapay Customer Support by:
· Writing a letter to this address: Customer Support, Guavapay Limited, Salisbury House, 29 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 5QQ, United Kingdom.
· Writing an email us at [email protected].
· By phone on +44 204 577 1440.
· By chat through the app or Website.
· Through specific contact forms on our Website
8. Termination
a) If your Account is closed for any reason, all Prizes earned but not redeemed at the date of closure will be forfeited.
b) We reserve the right to terminate the Millwall Rewards Programme by giving you reasonable notice. If we do this, all Prizes will be redeemed under these Terms and Conditions at the date of closure, as determined by Guavapay.
9. Transfer of Prizes
Prizes may not be transferred or sold.
10. Tax liability
You or your advisers are responsible for determining any tax liability in respect of your participation in the Reward Programme, including the earning and redeeming of Prizes. We are not able to give you advice on this matter and disclaim any liability.
11. Changes to the Programme
In addition to the specific changes referred to in these Terms and Conditions, we may change the Programme or the Terms and Conditions by giving you reasonable notice.
12. Notices
Any notice we may give you under these Terms and Conditions may be given electronically, displayed in the Guavapay app and/or on our website.
13. Definitions
“Account” means the Guavapay Limited account maintained in your name;
“Benefits” means the benefits set out at section 2 above.
“Eligible Transactions” means all eligible purchases of goods or services made by you using the Millwall Card;
“Guavapay” means Guavapay Limited;
“Millwall Card” means the Millwall Limited Edition Card or General Option debit card issued to you;
“Prizes” means the prizes earned and redeemed under the Programme;
“Programme” means the Millwall Card Reward Programme, the terms of which are set out herein;
“We”, “we” or “us” means Guavapay Limited; and
“You” or “you” or “your” means you, the person in whose name we maintain the Account.